W3 Total Cache Settings with CSS

W3 Total Cache Broke my Site CSS, by Computer Repair Sacramento CA

Computer Repair Sacramento CA blog how to Optimize W3 Total Cache Settings with CSS for WordPress Shared Server.

We all like a fast website. Our readers expect web pages to load quickly. We don’t want people wanting for our site to load. Search engines like to give readers access to fast sites they will be happy reading, so search engine optimization should include having fast web page load times.

WordPress is generally an optimized platform to build a site with initially, but after adding many plugins, etc, etc, it’s possible that your web design isn’t as fast as it could or should be.

Enter W3 Total Cache WordPress Plugin

W3 Total Cache is a great plugin to restore and maximize the speed of your WordPress site. Leaving the defaults works usually, but sometimes things go wrong… as they did on my site not too long ago. Readers were presented with instead:

I don’t even need to provide Sacramento custom web design to see that something’s not right! From experience, I could see that the visual style had disappeared, in other words, CSS, which is the design stylesheet, wasn’t working properly. This site looked like something from 1996!

W3 Total Cache Broke my Site CSS, by Computer Repair Sacramento CA

After disabling W3 Total Cache Settings for CSS Minify, the site styles returned, but the speed wasn’t being accelerated with CSS Minify disabled, so after some investigation, I enabled the ‘Combine Only’ option, which returned https://computerrepairsacramentoca.net/ back to it’s usual look and is still using CSS Minify.

If your styles disappear after enabling W3 Total Cache, to troubleshoot, I would recommend the following and test after each to see which breaks your site:

  1. Disable Minify: (Performance – General Settings – Minify: (uncheck Enable))
  2. Enable Minify, disable CSS: (Performance – Minify – CSS: (uncheck Enable))
  3. Enable CSS, Combine Only: (Performance – Minify – CSS: (check Combine Only))

If you follow the above steps one at a time and test between each, you can see where it breaks your site. I recommend logging out and closing your browser between each.

Is there anything related to your WordPress site or the W3 Total Cache Settings that we can assist with? Contact us at Computer Repair Sacramento CA to assist with your website or computer repair needs!

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